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Hygger and Sleeping Bags with arms and legs in the Press

6 January 2015 – Wideopen UK Bike Magazine (United Kingdom)

Human-shaped sleeping bag review – it’s a sleeping bag, but you can run around in it.

What is it? It’s a ‘sleep system’. Like a sleeping bag, but with arms and legs. And feet and hands that you can zip on and off.

The human-shaped sleeping bag first came to our attention a few years ago when they released their ‘Classic’ sleep-wear suit. The Patagon is latest model from the human-shaped sleeping bag and really catapults the brand in to the ‘serious’ outdoor adventurer market.

Firstly let’s get over the Elephant in the room. You WILL look like a Telly Tubby. That’s a fact. However your mate’s smirks and ‘witty’ comments will soon fade when you’re lounging around camp, warm as toast, while your friends shiver, shake and deliberate whether they should go and climb in to their sleeping bag, dipping out on the banter or stay and freeze.

As mentioned the Patagon is jam packed full of really fantastic design features that set this product apart from the competition, so let’s run through the main ones.

Krekran insulation
Krekran is the human-shaped sleeping bag’s own hollow fibre insulation material. I have a real issue with shiny ‘new’ materials that are marketed as ‘the next big thing in……’ as most don’t chuffing work. We all know feather/down filled sleeping bags and jackets are the bomb, so in order to move away from a tried and trusted formula the replacement must be better. Not just as good, better. Happily Krekran is better. In our tests we found it had the enviable quality of regulating the wearer’s temperature pretty darn well. Even when we slept in it in a centrally heated house we found it comfortable and not too hot. Of course if the worst came to the worst there are zippered vents (like you get in waterproof jackets) meaning you can let some cool air in without shedding the suit. In addition to this Krekran doesn’t suffer from those uncomfortable animal welfare issues that really take the shine off buying a feather/down product.

Magnetic hand closure system
Now this really is very clever. The Patagon has easy to find openings in the arms that mean you can get your hands out and do stuff without having to remove the suit. In addition the remaining portion of the arm (the hand bit), Velcro’s back keeping them out of the way whilst you, tie your shoes, have a cup of coffee, work on your bike, etc. These openings are fastened by magnets meaning they are really easy to open and close by themselves. Genius! Again this helps with temperature regulation and placates any feelings of claustrophobia that a complete sleep suit might cause.

Zip off Booties (feet)
Once again this is an invaluable feature that really sets the Patagon suit apart from the competition. Both feet zip off, meaning you can get out of bed, put your own shoes on and wander about without actually having to get out of bed! This makes us very happy indeed. The feet do have a tough sole with rubberised strips for grip and are fairly waterproof. But on dew soaked campsite grass, leaves or mud there really is no substitute for your own shoes and dry feet. As if this weren’t enough the detached feet will then zip together to make a reasonably comfortable pillow. There are also drawstrings above the zippers meaning that the suit doesn’t slip down and drag in the wetness. These drawstrings are also useful for keeping the feet where they are meant to be when they are attached. They really have thought of pretty much everything.

As well as these key features the suit is also baffled for better performance and durability, it has a drawstring adjustable 3D hood and insulated draft tubes around all the YKK zippers and neck.

Final thoughts
The human-shaped sleeping bag is not cheap with an rrp of £209, but hell, a good sleeping bag isn’t far off that anyway and the Patagon is light years ahead in the practicality stakes. This latest suit from human-shaped sleeping bag really marks ‘their coming of age’ as far as we’re concerned.

In our tests we only found one drawback and that was its size. When packed in to its stuff sack the Patagon was still 30% bigger and heavier than a sleeping bag of the same quality making it less attractive to those wishing to be fully self sufficient on the trail. The human-shaped sleeping bag also make a ‘Lite’ model, this would be the one to go for if you are weight/size focused.

Excellent, thoughtful design coupled with warmth, durability and faultless construction. You can expect to see these suits becoming a regular feature at races and trail centres over the coming years and months, with warm, happy, mountain bikers ambling about like a tribe of sleeping bag yeti’s.


30 November 2014 – Erlebe Fernreisen (Germany)

Unsere 10 Geschenkideen für Reisende zu Weihnachten 2014

Wenn Sie ihre Reisen in ganz besonders kalte Gegenden dieser Welt führen, dann dürfte dieses Geschenk etwas für Sie sein. Oder auch nur dann, wenn sie es sich gerne zu Hause auf der Couch gemütlich machen und es dabei ganz besonders warm haben möchten. Mit dem Ganzkörperschlafsack können Sie sich warm einpacken, genau wie mit seinem ganz gewöhnlichen Verwandten. Dabei behalten Sie aber die volle Bewegungsfreiheit. Denn dieser Schlafsack hat nicht nur Ärmel sondern auch Beine. Sie könnten praktisch damit spazieren gehen.


25 November 2014 – GSM London (United Kingdom)

How students survive winter

Winter is cold, dark and long and as a student with limited funds and worn through socks, it is vital to find a way to survive this most dreaded of season.

Still not warm enough? Then the human-shaped sleeping bag should sort you out. Forget the heating bills this winter, the human-shaped sleeping bag is a sleeping with arms and legs, allowing you to work and revise whilst feeling as warm as a summer’s day, just with considerably more clothes on! Their innovative design means that you move freely whilst staying as warm as you would be if you were still in bed, now that’s taking student life to the limits.


26 September 2014 – Countryfile (United Kingdom)

Top ten ultimate outdoor gadgets

Getting off the beaten track this autumn? Eve Betts has picked her top ten outdoorsy gadgets that will help you be ready for anything in the wilderness.

Now you really can live in your duvet. The human-shaped sleeping bag is a sleeping bag you wear as a suit, and is as cosy as it looks. Perfect for cold weather camping, the human-shaped sleeping bag includes a 3D hood, reinforced nylon soles and chest pockets for your phone, keys or cash.


27 August 2014 – Mais Pourquoi On A Pas (France)

Sac de Couchage

Si cet été, vous avez décidé de partir faire un trekking, dormir sur la plage ou dormir sous une tente alors, cet accessoire de camping pour baroudeur sera votre compagnon idéal !


20 June 2014 – Metro (United Kingdom)

Glastonbury 2014: Don’t leave home without these 10 festival must-haves

I’m not going to lie, I’m not a happy camper. I like my home comforts and being able to use the loo at will.

But, sometimes you have to make sacrifices in the name of a good time.

So, next week, many of us will be heading to some fields in Somerset wearing Hunter wellies to say thank you for the music – and, um, Metallica.

Here’s 10 things that will make the whole camping experience considerably better – along with as many wet wipes as you can carry.

1. The sleeping bag
If you’re in need of a new sleeping bag, you have to get the MuscuBag – it’s a sleeping bag you can wear. That is all.

2. The smart tent
We love inanimate objects that are smarter than us. This 4-person solar-powered tent will charge your mobile, speakers and anything else you wish to take with you (no questions asked). It also comes in a snazzy Woodstock design so you’ll be able to find it in the canvas crowd.

Which makes it sightly more useful – and definitely cheaper – than this tent (although the Tube tent does fit 72 people standing – party train!)
London Underground Tube tent, £1999.99, FireboxLondon Underground Tube tent, £1999.99, Firebox

3. The toilet solution
The number one bugbear at festivals is the grim toilet situation. Enter the disposable toilet. It’s basically a box you can pee in that contains a special agent which turns urine into an odourless gel. They come in packs of 3 – stock up with as many as you can carry for those emergency situations.

4. A shower
First world problem no. 2 at a festival is keeping clean when you can’t face a one-hour queue for the showers. If you’re the type of person who doesn’t look good on 5-day-old hair reduced to a chalky mess by dry shampoo, then this portable shower is for you.

You fill it with water and then the insulating fabric uses solar power to heat said water – instant power shower (sort of).

5. The lazy person’s toothbrush
No water or rinsing necessary. Just brush your teeth on the move.

6. The lightweight charger
If your tent won’t charge your phone for you (rude), we’ve got the next best thing. Well, actually the next best thing was the EE exchangeable charger but that’s sold out – sorry. So, try the Mophie Juice Pack which fits neatly onto your iPhone (what d’you mean you don’t have an iPhone? What is this, 1995?) and provides you with 80 per cent extra charge. Looks good too.

7. The wireless speaker
This isn’t cheap but we’re assuming you’re a music fan so it might be worth it. The powerful Ultimate Ears Boom bluetooth portable speaker even acts as a speakerphone (just be careful when mum calls).

8. The only chance you’ll have of a decent meal
You need a camping stove if you want to do this properly. This one comes in a handy carry-bag and cooks, heats and charges your electronics. Where camping stoves are concerned, it’s a triple threat. As the strapline says, ‘come on, biolite my fire’.

9. An aesthetically pleasing tent light
Fill your tent with a soft diffused light by hooking this to the roof. Great for sexy time no? It also has a glow in the dark switch so it’s easy to find.

10. Flash tattoos
Forget floral garlands in your hair, the flash tattoo is the must-have accessory for this year’s festival season. Get yours ordered now and be the smuggest middle-class bohemian on the campsite.

Happy camping.


30 April 2014 – Climbing (United States)

Sleeping is fun

This may not be the most practical bag on the market (at 4+lbs., it's heavy for a 35°F bag), but our testers sure had a good time with it. “On a chilly night in camp near Moab last November, I unzipped the feet on the Patagon and wore it around the fire,” said one tester. “Then I crawled in my tent to sleep and crawled back out to do yoga in the morning sun.” A proprietary synthetic insulation called Krekran kept testers warm down to the mid-40s, and at least one tester used it as much as apparel as a sleeping bag. “It's both!” she pointed out, as she slid her hands out of magnetic slots at the end of each sleeve to grab her beer. It's durable, too: The shell material held up to desert use with no signs of fatal wear.


9 April 2014 – Orange (Spain)

Los 7 mejores gadgets para dormir plácidamente

¿Sabías que el 5% de la población española utiliza hipnóticos de manera habitual por problemas de sueño? El estrés del trabajo, el abuso de bebidas estimulantes como el café, el cansancio, la ansiedad, los ruidos del vecino del tercero...en fin, da igual que sea por a o por b, el caso es que no pegamos ojo. Y, claro, así no hay quien rinda. El presidente de la Sociedad Española de Sueño y director del Instituto de Investigaciones del Sueño, Diego García-Borreguero, advertía la semana pasada que, según datos del Ministerio de Sanidad, casi uno de cada cinco españoles presenta habitualmente una somnolencia excesiva durante el día. Si tu insomnio no es ocasional y vas por la vida cual zombie, además de descargarte nuestro top 6 de aplicaciones para ayudarte a contar ovejitas, aquí tienes una serie de gadgets que, seguro, te harán dormir como un lirón.

Que no te despiste la fotografía, lo que te presentamos aquí no es un grumete del capitán Pescanova, sino un saco de dormir con forma de cuerpo humano capaz de reconciliar a los más sibaritas con la acampada al aire libre. Además de envolverte en una especie de edredón nórdico para mantenerte calentito, el 'human-shaped sleeping bag' te permite caer rendido en, literalmente, cualquier parte. Sí, ríete tu de los pijamas inteligentes. Puede que, ahora que empiezan a salir los primeros rayos de sol, no le veas sentido alguno al 'wereable', pero es perfecto para los que son más de montaña que de playa.

